Stop Smoking - FOR LIFE - from the Comfort of your home Stop Smoking Now Guaranteed

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Smoking Cigarettes is an Addiction

Stop Smoking

Stop Smoking Now

There are a lot of good reasons to stop smoking. You can think of the hurt that it causes your loved ones. You can think of the way that it ruins your teeth, your skin, and your clothes. You can think of the dirty litter that you are creating. You can think of the horrible way in which your hands and nails go yellow. In fact, there is very little to say good about smoking. Even if you ignore all of the proven health issues, there are lots of reasons that smoking is just not worth it.
Over the years, the tobacco companies have tried a lot of campaigns to convince consumers to smoke. There was the rugged and handsome Marlboro man that showed his masculinity with a lit cigarette in his mouth or hand. There was cool Joe Camel with his tuxedo and fancy cars. There have been countless gorgeous models photographed with a cigarette perched between their fingers. All of these advertisements were supposed to make people think that there was something cool about smoking. But there’s nothing cool about smoking. The Marlboro man never had kids to worry about inhaling the smoke or getting burned about like you do. And Joe Camel never had to get a ticket for littering like you have. And those countless gorgeous models were never photographed with the yellow teeth and wrinkle lined mouths that you will develop. They are all fantasy.
Another fantasy is referring to smoking as a “habit.” People will refer to their “smoking habit” like its brushing their teeth before bed or doing the yard work on Saturdays. Smoking cigarettes is a lot of things, but it is definitely not a habit. No matter who says this, it isn’t true. Smoking cigarettes is an addiction. It is a physical addiction no different from heroin, alcohol, or any other addiction that a person might have. Just like alcoholic, you need your cigarette to deal with stress. Just like a heroin addict, you are unconcerned about the brutal affects on your health or the money you’re spending. If you smoke cigarettes, you’re an addict just like the rest of them. You are an addict that has to schedule their life around their next cigarette. You are an addict that has to rush outside every few hours. You are an addict that automatically lights a cigarette after buckling their seatbelt.
There’s no doubt that you’ve made a hundred excuses why you smoke: you need to smoke to help with stress, you don’t want to gain weight, it is not that much money, you’re going to die anyway. You’ve also no doubt made many fantasy goals for quitting. You are going to quit when you get out of college. You are going to quit after your wedding or after you get that promotion. Hey, why don’t you just schedule it for January 1st?
If you’re addicted to cigarettes, then you are cheating yourself and your family out of a lot of things: like money, time, and health. You know that the first step to getting help is realizing that it is not good for yourself or your family to be addicted to something – even if it’s just cigarettes. So take the first step – admit that you’re addicted. And then get some help to start your journey towards a life that is free – free from cigarettes and addiction.

Stop Smoking Today

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Holistic Medicine to Help You Stop Smoking

Holistic medicine draws on a comprehensive mind/body approach to healing which is particularly relevant to stopping smoking. Smoking is a habit that involves your thought processes, beliefs, emotions, and daily behaviors in addition to the physical component of nicotine addiction. It therefore makes sense to utilize quitting strategies that incorporate these different aspects of your habit, in order to successfully overcome it once and for all.

Herbal formulas to help stop smoking have been found useful by many people and are gaining popularity as an alternative to quitting “cold turkey” or using nicotine replacement therapies (NRT’s) that can prolong the amount of time your body requires the drug. Herbs can function in a variety of ways to help overcome your addiction, including:

- mimicking the effects of nicotine, so you are not aware of its absence
- making cigarettes taste bad, so you no longer want to smoke
- calming your nerves, so you do not feel the need to smoke
- cleansing and detoxifying your system, often visibly, so you no longer want to put poisons into your body

Stop smoking remedies using herbs are also available in a variety of forms, including teas, capsules, and patches similar to the more commonly known nicotine patch. Patches are especially convenient due to their consistent delivery of smoking cessation ingredients, protecting you against cravings and helping you resist temptation throughout the day.

It is important to remember that although herbal treatments are “natural” this does not guarantee their safety, so these products should be used under the direction of a qualified practitioner. Herbs can also interfere with other medications so if you are combining approaches, do so with caution and the advice of a medical professional.

Other holistic strategies that can help you stop smoking include acupressure, meditation and yoga, or the use of any deep relaxation technique. Addressing your underlying reasons for smoking such as stress and boredom will make your quitting process easier and more effective, so investigate your smoking habit and come up with a plan for quitting that approaches it from all angles.

Finding your way to better health using holistic medicine will help you overcome unhealthy habits and addictions such as smoking, and teach you strategies for creating a better quality of life in general. Explore your options in holistic health to help you stop smoking as part of your personalized quitting plan. There are many books and websites devoted to the subject, so do a little research to discover the products and services that might be the most beneficial for you and start taking steps towards an addiction-free future today.

Holistic Medicine to Help You Stop Smoking

Friday, April 21, 2006

Tools To Help you Stop Smoking

Tools to Help You Stop Smoking (Guide to Cessation Aids)

There are many tools available to help you successfully navigate the first few difficult weeks after quitting cigarettes.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT).
This includes nicotine gum, patches, inhalers, sprays and lozenges. Sprays and inhalers require a prescription but the rest can be purchased directly, at your convenience. These products can help you slowly decrease your intake of nicotine, while also breaking the behavioral habits associated with smoking. It is important that you follow directions for use carefully and consistently in order to get the desired results without added risk to your health. Gradually reducing your nicotine consumption in this way can help relieve the unpleasant symptoms of sudden nicotine withdrawal, and therefore significantly increases your chances of quitting successfully.

Non-nicotine medications
Medicines such as Bupropion SR require a doctor’s prescription, and are used to ease withdrawal symptoms and decrease the urge to smoke. Possible side effects include sleep disturbance and dry mouth. As with any medication, your doctor can help you determine if this is something you want to try as part of your stop smoking strategy.

Note: neither nicotine replacement therapies or other medical treatments to help stop smoking are safe for use during pregnancy, so if you are pregnant and trying to quit, it is essential that you consult with your doctor and explore non-medicinal approaches. Quitting before getting pregnant is the best way to protect the health of your baby.

There are drug-free methods of quitting smoking, including hypnotherapy, acupressure and meditation, all of which can help reduce cravings naturally, as well as promote a deeper sense of calm and relaxation to help you through your early quitting stages. Nicotine withdrawal is an unpleasant but temporary experience. Understanding what you should expect during this phase, and having a plan for dealing with the symptoms as they arise will vastly improve your chances of quitting successfully.

Stopping smoking will involve making changes in your behavior, as well as in how you think about cigarettes, so any tool you use to help you stop smoking will work best in combination with a clearly defined strategy and an understanding of why you want to quit. Your desire to stop smoking is your strongest weapon against nicotine addiction, and is the most crucial component of any plan to quit smoking. Develop a clearly defined set of reasons to quit, and goals to reach so that you can remind yourself of these during moments of temptation. Know ahead of time what techniques you will use in order to reach those goals, and have a support network to help you along the way. One step at a time, you can walk away from your smoking habit and leave it behind forever.

Tools to help you Stop Smoking More help at

Monday, April 17, 2006

Hypnosis to Help Stop Smoking

Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

Because one very important component of stopping smoking is learning how to change your thinking about cigarettes, and your dependence on them, hypnosis can be a valuable tool in gaining the new perspective and clarity you need in order to overcome your habit. Based on the power of a simple suggestion, hypnosis may focus on:
- how bad cigarettes are for your health
- the strength of your willpower
- how unappealing cigarettes really are
- how easy it is going to be for you to give smoking up

The main requirement for hypnosis to be successful is the true desire to quit smoking. With that desire and intention already in place, hypnosis uses simple techniques to help you believe in your ability to quit, reduce your desire to smoke, and promote a deep state of relaxation that will help eliminate any underlying stress-related causes of your smoking.

Hypnosis can take place in a private or group session, or you may use cd’s and books to practice the techniques on yourself at home. Combined with a genuine desire to quit, hypnosis claims better success rates than any other smoking cessation method. Although it may be used in combination with other strategies, most practitioners maintain that this is not generally necessary.

The effectiveness of hypnosis relies on your willingness to participate, and is not something that can be done to someone who does not want to quit. However, almost anyone who is willing can be hypnotized, and with impressive results. Some people fear that hypnosis will involve them losing control, when in fact the opposite is true – a hypnotist cannot suggest anything you are not open to responding to, and in a smoking cessation context, is empowering you to use your own natural resources to your greatest potential.

In choosing a hypnotist or a program, do take into consideration such things as credentials, customer testimonials, money-back guarantees, or promises that sound too good to be true. The greatest amount of credibility and accountability will be through professionals who are members of regulatory agencies, such as chartered psychologists and others who may specialize in hypnotherapy. Do some comparison shopping of the services offered and claims made in order to find the treatment that is most likely to offer the best results for you.

Like any stop smoking program, your best chance of quitting successfully will depend on you, your clarity of goals, and your determination to stick to your plan. Unlike other methods, which may inadvertently emphasize your weaknesses, hypnosis may help strengthen your belief in your ability to succeed and make obstacles easier to overcome.

The power of the mind can accomplish impressive feats, as is becoming increasingly evident in fields as diverse as sports psychology, to alternative health. Investigate your own potential for quitting healthily and with minimum discomfort, and find out what hypnosis can offer you in the way of a smoking cessation program.

Hypnosis To Help Stop Smoking

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Its Cool To Get Help to Stop Smoking

Somehow the image of smoking as cool has not yet left our modern culture or changed the social perception of what is otherwise widely accepted as a deadly habit. This in spite of the many mishaps we have all encountered or witnessed at one time or another. Lighters that won’t work, or won’t stop working when we think they’re off… a wayward butt that almost causes a disaster… the dependency issues and behaviors, and the absurd extremes we sometimes go to in order to enjoy that cigarette.

Taking a closer look might help us overcome some of the remaining mystique of the cigarette. Increasingly stringent anti-smoking laws have made it more difficult to have a smoke in comfort at your leisure, which may or may not affect your willingness to engage. Huddled under shelter or alone in your car if the weather’s bad, dashing outside in between meetings or during social events, it all starts to sound a bit exhausting when you think about it. Hurry up and relax starts to take on new meaning.

Is it really worth the effort to learn how to inhale properly, acquire a taste for the stuff, work on proper technique for holding and blowing? Try proving to yourself once or twice a year that you can quit if you want to? How did you react when your young niece hid your pack after learning about cigarettes in health class? Or remember the look on your last date’s face when you leaned in for a goodnight kiss?

Our perception of cool may be growing outdated. Sure, they still smoke in the movies, but are you really going to let that influence important decisions about your life and health? Those are just movies. How many other life truths do you see getting promoted there? Is this really a realistic way to impress people with your style and sophistication anymore?

Sure, we still judge people on appearances, and we all like to have a sense of personal style, an image. However, at some point you are going to realize you are too young to be so out of breath climbing that staircase, and the wrinkles you see in the mirror are not going to be kind either. Youthfulness is another cultural ideal – why not try some natural methods of pursuing that one instead?

There are lots of tools, tips and tricks for getting you off the cigarettes, and thousands of people quit successfully every day. Try joining that popular crowd, and take some steps towards achieving a greater cool – free from addiction and all that it entails. Start making healthier choices today for a much better looking future and feel good about taking care of yourself and setting an example. Your efforts will not go unnoticed, and the attention is destined to be flattering.

Now It's Cool to Get Help To Stop Smoking

Monday, April 10, 2006

Help Stop Smoking

If you’ve ever had an altercation with a faulty cigarette lighter, you’ll know that smokers have to put up with challenges that non-smokers just don’t realize. Cheap lighters that don’t always go out and end up causing a pocket fire, or chemical burns from lighter fluid are no laughing matter! The cost to clothing is unfortunate, and the embarrassment isn’t much fun either. What’s a person to do?
If you’ve grown weary of the scorched jackets and pants, you may have reached the point where it’s time for a change. Maybe your partner is no longer amused with your "fashion statement" holes in your favorite outfits, or doesn’t want to get a new car because of the inevitable burn marks. Or maybe you’ve grown tired of your inability to sit through any activity requiring more than a few hours without a smoke break. There are many little annoying details that can prompt the decision to quit smoking.
Luckily, there is more help and information available than ever before to assist you in your quest for freedom. From different kinds of therapies, to products designed for this purpose, or any number of tricks former smokers devised along the way, there is a method of quitting smoking for everyone.
Because no two people or habits are exactly alike, you will need to explore your options, and probably try more than one before finding something that works. You may find that altering the behaviors that support the habit, such as where you go to smoke, will be enough to make a difference. Or, you may want to attack the psychological need, through hypnosis, cognitive tricks, or meditation.
Finding replacements for your cigarettes is one of the most commonly employed methods for reducing the urge, by keeping both your hands and mouth busy. If you take this route, remember to choose snacks without excess fat or sugar, or you risk exchanging one bad habit for a host of other problems. Some people use toothpicks, straws or even cinnamon sticks as a solution, while others opt for knitting, playing cards, or squeezing a stress ball. Sugar free gum or sunflower seeds are other popular choices. Or you can choose to take singing lessons, learn to play a musical instrument, or start a rigorous exercise program. Making other activities a priority will help serve as both a distraction and a source of motivation.
Sheer willpower works for some, by changing the way you think about smoking, choosing a healthier lifestyle for the sake of loved ones, or out of concern for your own health. Once again, it depends on you. However, the clearer your reasons for quitting, the more likely you are to stick to your plan. Do a little research to determine the best options for you, and be patient, but expect great things. Ask your friends and family for support, and it will be a victory you can all share.

Help Stop Smoking

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

help stop smoking

Help Stop Smoking Numbers

Need some help to stop smoking lets look at some numbers.

1 pack a day=$3.55 a Day $24.85 a week $99.40 a month and $1192.80 a year.
1.5 packs a day= $5.33 a day $37.31 a week $149.24 month and $1790.88 a year.
2 packs a day= $7.10 $49.70 a week $198.80 month and $2385.60 a year.
2.5 packs a day= $8.88 a day $62.16 a week $248.64 a month and $2983.68 a year.

still need more help to stop smoking? than look at this.

A trip to Disney World for 2 adults and 2 children ages 2 & 4 at Disney's All Star Music Resort for 7 day's and 6 nights with park hopper and water park up grade package cost the same as a 1.5 pack a day smoker spends a year on cigarettes.

A lot of the effects of smoking go unseen to smokers but I hope that seeing these numbers will be a help to stop smoking.

Don't let the side effects of smoking rob you and your family of a great vacation.

Stop smoking