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Saturday, April 29, 2006

Smoking Cigarettes is an Addiction

Stop Smoking

Stop Smoking Now

There are a lot of good reasons to stop smoking. You can think of the hurt that it causes your loved ones. You can think of the way that it ruins your teeth, your skin, and your clothes. You can think of the dirty litter that you are creating. You can think of the horrible way in which your hands and nails go yellow. In fact, there is very little to say good about smoking. Even if you ignore all of the proven health issues, there are lots of reasons that smoking is just not worth it.
Over the years, the tobacco companies have tried a lot of campaigns to convince consumers to smoke. There was the rugged and handsome Marlboro man that showed his masculinity with a lit cigarette in his mouth or hand. There was cool Joe Camel with his tuxedo and fancy cars. There have been countless gorgeous models photographed with a cigarette perched between their fingers. All of these advertisements were supposed to make people think that there was something cool about smoking. But there’s nothing cool about smoking. The Marlboro man never had kids to worry about inhaling the smoke or getting burned about like you do. And Joe Camel never had to get a ticket for littering like you have. And those countless gorgeous models were never photographed with the yellow teeth and wrinkle lined mouths that you will develop. They are all fantasy.
Another fantasy is referring to smoking as a “habit.” People will refer to their “smoking habit” like its brushing their teeth before bed or doing the yard work on Saturdays. Smoking cigarettes is a lot of things, but it is definitely not a habit. No matter who says this, it isn’t true. Smoking cigarettes is an addiction. It is a physical addiction no different from heroin, alcohol, or any other addiction that a person might have. Just like alcoholic, you need your cigarette to deal with stress. Just like a heroin addict, you are unconcerned about the brutal affects on your health or the money you’re spending. If you smoke cigarettes, you’re an addict just like the rest of them. You are an addict that has to schedule their life around their next cigarette. You are an addict that has to rush outside every few hours. You are an addict that automatically lights a cigarette after buckling their seatbelt.
There’s no doubt that you’ve made a hundred excuses why you smoke: you need to smoke to help with stress, you don’t want to gain weight, it is not that much money, you’re going to die anyway. You’ve also no doubt made many fantasy goals for quitting. You are going to quit when you get out of college. You are going to quit after your wedding or after you get that promotion. Hey, why don’t you just schedule it for January 1st?
If you’re addicted to cigarettes, then you are cheating yourself and your family out of a lot of things: like money, time, and health. You know that the first step to getting help is realizing that it is not good for yourself or your family to be addicted to something – even if it’s just cigarettes. So take the first step – admit that you’re addicted. And then get some help to start your journey towards a life that is free – free from cigarettes and addiction.

Stop Smoking Today


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